Final presentation at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences
On Wednesday the 30.11.2022 the final presentation of the project took place at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences.The atmosphere was very good and below we have captured a few pictures of the event for you. We would like to thank everyone for their participation...
Presenting findings at Forefront 2022 September 29th
Very nice day with a lot of engagement from the audience. A lot of people very interested and enrolled in the field test. Big thanks to Trustworks APS for inviting us and letting us present new and innovative learning on green IoT of the future!
Präsentation und Veröffentlichung auf der Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems 2022 (SCIS)
Es gibt eine weitere Veröffentlichung über den Prozess zum App-Design mit Lead Usern. Hier der Artikel (in Englisch): klick. Jan Pries-Heje und Magnus RP Hansen während der Präsentation
Præsentation og publikation på “Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems 2022 (SCIS)”
Vi har endnu en publikation om vores process med at bruge Sprint-teknikker mod vores endelig app-design. Læs artiklen her. Jan Pries-Heje og Magnus RP Hansen i præsentations-mode.
Presentation and publication at the Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems 2022 (SCIS)
We have another publication on our process of Sprinting towards the app design using Lead Users. Read the article here. Jan Pries-Heje and Magnus RP Hansen in presentation mode
New academic publication at the IFIP 8.6 conference in Dublin
We are proud to announce that our next academic publication has been published at the International Federation for Information Processing Conference in Working Group 8.6 and presented in Dublin last week. Abstract: As the gravity of the impact of climate change on...